Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Knock it off already!

Well hear it is folks, I have figured out the secret to get you everything you want in on to hear about the secret and how I figured it out....

I heard somewhere from an Arbonne big wig that, "you can have your dreams or you can have your excuses, you can't have both." 

I have decided to take that to a step that I can understand a tad better, "you can have what you WANT or you can have your excuses, you can't have both."  Now the reason that I changed the word from "dream" to "want" is unfortunately I don't find that people really don't dream any more.  It is actually quite sad.  Instead of dreaming about what we want and making that happen, we have become so much more content with complaining about what we have or don't have that we spend little or no time actually focusing on changing the problem.  We walk around wearing the things that are difficult about our lives and what we dislike as badges on our sleeves.  Have you ever heard or participated in a conversation where it was as though one person was trying to "up" the other about who had more crap to do?  Or whose life was crappier?  Whose job was crappier? 

Daily, people complain about their jobs, about their health, about their weight, about the things they HAVE to do that they don't want to....of course I have been there, I complain, sometimes a lot.  But what I try not to do is complain about the things that I am capable of changing. 

Here it is, what is the ONE AND ONLY thing that is keeping you from being unable to change the things that you's the big  Yup, are the only thing that stands in the way of the changes you would like to make or see happen.

A brilliant woman, Tiffany Leclair Conway, the owner of CoCo Cheveuz said once, "life is all about decisions, and each decision is as simple as turning a light on and off."  It is true, every decision is a yes or no in your head; (it's) your feelings, hang ups, responsibilities, that make a decision seem more complicated.  If you want something, you have to decide you are going to have it.  If you hate your job, decide that you are not going to it any more and then make the steps in order for that to happen....if you absolutely cannot change jobs, then change your feelings about it.  That's it.  Plain and simple.  Don't make it more complicated. 

If you complain about the way you look, you don't feel well, you are underweight/overweight, whatever, make up your mind to change it.  Then do it.  Don't complain one day about it, then the next day eat garbage.  If you want to be unhealthy, do it!  In the end no one really cares but you!  No one can care more about what is going on in your life but you.  Sure, we can hope and plead that you do one thing or another but at the end of the day, YOU are the only one that stands in your way from having anything and everything that you want. 

I know there are going to be some people reading this that are going to say, "well, that is easy for you to say but blah diggy blah blah blah...."  My "blahs" are indicating that what comes out of your mouth next matters nothing to me.  It is simply your excuse and whatever other justification you are giving your excuse to keep you in the situation you don't want to be in but are too afraid or unwilling to change.  Stop allowing yourself to sabotage yourself...yes you are sabotaging yourself and getting in your own way of what you really want.....don't like your job?  get a new one.  need more money?  find a way, there is one....where there is a will there is a way....feeling fat?  put down the fork and go for a walk.  too tired to do the dishes?  get off facebook and updating your status, that isn't going to get the dishes's really not rocket science people....the fact is I would really rather see more people being happy and content with their lives instead of the majority who seem to put negativity out and still have the balls to complain that they aren't getting what they want out of life.

So seriously, KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!  Change what you don't like or please, stop complaining about it. 

Preggo Out

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